I. Am. Christopher.
Before you look at what I have to offer, ask yourself, “Am I ready to experience the outpoured soul of a descendent of the Oglala Sioux who is half white and has a beard? Am I ready to lay my eyes upon the incomprehensible artistic nature of a 34-year-old father of three who is now an experienced hair-braider, dance-routine creator, and Beyblade fighter?”You might need to follow that up with: “Do I have what it takes to bear upon mine own shoulders, the artistry and deft craftsmanship representing over three decades and 230 pounds of struggle, temptation, and acquiescence to a dad bod?”
If you have asked yourself those questions and have been found without want, you must ask yourself one last question: “Do I have $25 to spend on one of these beautiful, high-quality, heathered t-shirts?”
For real though. I love drawing the way I draw. It’s therapeutic. It relaxes my mind and it lets me hide from people. To be completely honest, I love the attention I get when I draw something well and people share how much they like it. #realtalk
I don’t know how, but one day I want to create some sort of organization or collective that encourages people to find contentment where they’re at, helps them understand who they are, realize their limits, and then find joy in helping others take the next step to being more. Essentially, recognizing the shoulders they stand on and then recognizing they can and should be shoulders for others to stand, striving to give those who come after taller shoulders to stand on. #TallerShouldersToStandOn
Follow me on Instagram @Cmillavanilla
Click left to see more of Chris's designs.
We chose to partner with Chris because he brings a style all his own, and we feel it's our duty to help share his artistic style with all of you. We linked his bio for social media above so you can follow his creations.